Christmas Greetings!... In late January!
We finally took our tree down which means we thought we should send out Christmas cards as well! Better late than never, right?! 2011 was a fantastic and very busy year! Here are some of the highlights:
We started 2011 with a big move; well, Andy had a big move down to Colorado so he could be closer to his lovely fiance. The journey was somewhat arduous as we tested the lifetime waters and what family vacations might look like with an 800 mile drive while towing a U-Haul; let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. Little did we know the real journey hadn't even begun...
Career Moves
Andy struggled the first couple months with the job market. After applying for over 120 jobs, one position in particular really tickled his fancy and his nerves. It was a "dream job" for him so to speak, and he had gone through all the applications and interviews and was waiting and waiting to hear back. Weeks passed from when they told him he should know, and every time he called they'd have another random excuse. They encouraged him to wait and told him he was still in the pool. Finally, he got the call; he was hired at the University of Colorado Boulder as an Admission Counselor Intern! The reason for the long wait? They had to get approvals from all types of boards to hire him because the position was generally held for a CU alumni and obviously Andy didn't make that qualification. They literally created a position for him because he is so great (okay, at least that's my opinion). This opinion was validated when only a few months after he signed his one year contract with CU-Boulder they promoted him, creating a permanent spot for Andy on the admissions team as a counselor. He loves working in admissions and currently works with the on campus programs team while advising the Student Ambassadors Program; a team of 100 CU students who lead campus tours for prospective students and their families. He also represents undergraduate admissions and recruits students in Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, western Colorado, and the central coast of California. Not only does he read their applications, but he was able to travel to all three areas this fall. I especially enjoyed his California recruitment but we'll get to that later :)
Mimi could find a job if she knew what she wanted to do. Before November, she successfully planned and executed the Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival. It was a job for someone with ten years of work experience, but Mimi was able to pull it off two years in a row right out of college. Anyone who attended the festival remembered it, and will most likely return for round three. Mimi is gifted in so many areas; she has an eye for detail, is personable, creative and hard working. Working for her family at Smoker Friendly and planning the event was a wonderful experience, but she knows God is calling her to do more. What that may be? She doesn't know! For now, she has been hired on with the International Admissions team at CU-Boulder (in a different building than myself) as a temporary assistant. This job description is nice and short: she opens mail all day. If a prospective international student applying to CU-Boulder sends transcripts, financial statements, test scores or letters of recommendation, Mimi opens it up and processes it. It's an essential piece of the admissions process, and Mimi loves it. She has an office partner, and as Mimi puts it, they are best friends. Although this is a temporary, five-month position, Mimi is excited about the future opportunities God has in store for her and is enjoying this time to truly discover what she should be doing.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Wedding Bells
As most of you know, something big happened this year... we got MARRIED! Thank you once again to our families and friends who helped make that special day take place. We still dream about the food prepared that day, drool over the cake and reminisce when looking at our wedding pictures. After an amazing wedding on June 18 we hopped on a plane and spent ten days in St. Lucia located in the Caribbean. What a wonderful way to start a marriage, but as they say life isn't always a honeymoon...or something like that. Marriage is such an amazing gift, and we continue to learn and grow each day. Some of the more practical, sweet and humorous things we've learned:
- Don't leave the butter on the counter; Frank will eat it.
- Surprising each other with even the little things can make any day better.
- The Mazdaratti (Mimi's Mazda) absolutely requires snow tires to function in the winter.
- Boulder isn't as crazy as people make it out to be; it's unique, but we know God has a plan for everyone there.
- God always provides!
- If you have an iPhone, check out the app, Voxer. Seriously, we have too much fun with it. Thanks for the introduction, Mr. Bridges.
- Finding a church and friends can take time, but well worth the wait.
- "Go to bed mad" - great marriage advice from my good friend Janelle. The same principle "think before you speak" applies here.
- Although Mimi is the actual diabetic, Andy gets very cranky when he's hungry.
- Andy gets scared easily and the closet is a great place to hide :)
- Above all, let God be the center of your life and it will be reflected in the way you speak to each other and the strength of your marriage
Matthew 19:4-6 Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Around the World
We've had so many opportunities this year to see great places and more importantly to unite with old and new friends. Our love for Montana and the people who live there is never ceasing and we enjoyed ringing in 2011 with the Bischoffs and some Salonens in Helena. Mimi's job got really tough in March when she was asked to attend a conference in Mexico, but she hiked up her socks, packed the sunscreen and headed South. Andy headed to Vegas for a whirlwind bachelor party with some of his best buds, where rest assured they were all very "good". After the June 18th union, we were amazingly blessed to receive an incredible gift from Mimi's family; a dream honeymoon in beautiful St. Lucia! We stayed at an all inclusive Sandals resort and let us tell you it is just like the commercials; seriously. Pristine beaches, more food than you can imagine and people in love EVERYWHERE. It was amazing and a special time we will cherish forever! We're just wondering who would like to pick up the bill for our one year anniversary vacation!:) Any takers??? After the honeymoon we hung low, sneaking in a couple trips to Montana before our schedules started getting crazy! We also enjoyed a visit from Ryan & Liz when we saw Jurassic Park on the big screen at Red Rocks Amphitheater! Andy traveled in the fall to the east coast spending two weeks visiting schools in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and also being a solo tourist which included checking out the Ben & Jerry's factory along the way. He came back to Colorado only to head into the mountains for another two weeks this time making stops at all the major resorts like Vail and Aspen. He has assured me we can move as soon as we make our millions! His last trip was out to California, and at the last minute it was decided that I got to tag along! A fantastic way to end his travels as we spent a week along the coast driving from city to city visiting family and reuniting with old friends! Thank you Gridley's, Bridges & Ryan! November & December were marked with hosting friends and family at our house something we both truly enjoy! Andy's folks made it down for Thanksgiving which was a gift that made us truly thankful. Mimi's brother Tom came west from North Carolina to celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year.
We both have a love of traveling but more importantly a love of people and so we hope in 2012 we will be listening to God's voice in our life and going where we are called; be that across the seas, to new places, to old friends homes or to our neighbors next door we are ready to be used!
Some Scripture for this Season
Isaiah 6:8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me."
Matthew 25:14-30 His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!"
Into the Future
2012 has already proven to be a season of learning and love. From football (Tebow) to house hunting we are leaning on God to guide us. We are currently on the house hunt and will keep you updated with that. So far no new home, but we know it's out there! We wish you and yours all the joy in this New Year; may the Lord bless you and keep you close. To all our loved ones near and far we hope to see you this year; but if it happens that we don't cross paths know that we think of you often and love you deeply! Lastly, since this card was so promptly delivered I want to take this opportunity to wish you a few more things ...
Happy Valentines Day, Pleasant Presidents' Day!, Happy Easter, We Love you Mom on Mother's Day, We honor you on Memorial Day, We Love you too Dad- Happy Father's Day, Happy Fourth of July!, & the Spookiest of Halloweens to you!!
Okay, we should be good for awhile now! Check back for more blog entries this year.