I'm on the job hunt, and let me just say that it is truly a hunt. Although a new career and a change up from my day to day work here as mail girl is exactly what I need there seems to be a shortage of jobs out there- has anyone heard of this? Are we in a recession? Someone tell me what's going on!! :) Ah, well at least for the moment I get to sit snug as a bug in my office cubicle sipping on a Diet Coke( -side note here, there is a community case of DC in the fridge at work here, amazing-) listening to the hot jams of a progressive indi-chick Pandora station and mindlessly searching the classifieds. :) Life is good, even with the looming deadline of losing my job in two weeks.
God works in the craziest of ways and more than ever he has shown me, in this job, how to be a witness for him where ever I am. Kelsey, who shares my office space with me has become a great friend in these past couple months and the more chatting we do the more we realize how much in common we have; from The Last Unicorn and crazy hospital stories to struggling with loved ones battling cancer; we've been able to connect. I've been asking God to show me how I am supposed to connect with people and show his love to them and this week He really gave me that opportunity.
Kelsey's aunt passed away on Friday leaving her son heartbroken and penniless. When the opportunity arose to help him out I told Kelsey that Andy and I would love to give him some support to which she replied, "that's really sweet of YOU," at which point I blurted out "No Kelsey, that's what Christianity is. In it's purest form it is taking care of the widows and orphans- no matter what age". BAM holy moly, I think I just evangelised! It felt like the words were spoken from Him and not from me.
So, that is why I am ok job hunting until my eyes go blurry and I start attaching Dr. Seuss's "Oh the places you will go" book to every single application. That's why I'm ok not knowing what I'm supposed to be doing,because God knows what my purpose is. The more I've sat and pondered my days as mail girl, the more I've come to realize that God put me here to show me that my identity needed to be in Him, not in MY career, MY goals, MY accomplishments, MY life.
If the choice was open mail for the rest of my life but have amazing coworker experiences or be very very very important but minimize Christ-- I know I'd choose mail girl.
That being said, I have a resume and references for anyone that would like to take a look :)
Happy Wednesday!