Well it's day two of working out - how do I like it? I"m not in love with it yet- but it does create a sense of accomplishment, accomplishment that quickly turns to embarrassment when you feel the sweat pour down your face from 10 minutes of brisk walking. It's been a crazy couple of weeks here in the Salonen household so it's time to catch everyone up.
This month started with a loss so big that I haven't been able to even get close to the hole that it's left in my heart- my grandpa Paul passed away in March from lung cancer. His decline was swift and his deathbed peaceful. I'm not sure when it will sink in that I won't ever get to see him again, but it's definitely not real yet. I can still hear his voice in my head asking me if I'd like a cup of coffee, or how I'm doing or his favorite topic- "How's that dog?" For now, I'll just listen to his voice and delight in my false vision.
I'm still unemployed and the job market has become increasingly frustrating. In fact so much that we are just going to skip this topic
Andy and I officially close on a new house in Longmont on April 27th!! We are soooo excited to be homeowners and DIY'ers!!! (well at least I'm super excited about being a DIY'er and Andy would like me to get a small reality check) Sample conversations between us
Me: I think we should just knock down that wall
Andy: I think we should paint
Me: Ok so we're knocking down the wall
Andy: We need a ladder
Me: OH, I can go find one at goodwill or craigslist
Andy: It's important that you don't buy a broken ladder, maybe we should just get a new one
Me: na, Goodwill has quality materials
Me: Where are you going to put your clothes?
Andy: It's a 4 bedroom house, there will be plenty of space
Me: I think we should build a closet, in the first week. Do we know how to do that?
Andy: No.
And don't even get me started with paint samples..... oh boy. That's just nonsense. Let's just say Andy enjoys beige more than any person I have ever met. Anyways, it's something to look forward too and I can't wait for next week to be over so that I can have something to focus on-- besides finding a job.
I've been sick lately, actually hospitalized on Easter for a few days and have been doing at home IV's for this past week. All done on Sunday- whoo hoo. I had to go to a different (non CFer) hospital this time and it was like a tragic dream replaying all over again- the doctor actually handed me a form that said Cystic Fibrosis on the top and then had some symptoms to watch out for. My patience was definitely tried as I negotiated medicines with doctors and pleaded for someone to just let me write my own orders. But that nightmare is over, things are worked out; I'm working out, starting to feel much much better and life goes on. Did I mention I also gained 12 pounds in a week. A little ridiculous if you ask me but that's what the prednisone will do to someone. So I've set a goal to lose the 12lb's by May! Yay! Starvation? Motivation? One of the two will do.
Well this post is about as random as my day. What do people do all day? I'd like to say I'm taking this "unemployment opportunity time" to re evaluate my goals, read more, write, and plan out my life but it's really hard to plan life when you just keep wondering what you're supposed to be doing. I'm sure I'll get it figured out though and will keep posting more. Maybe I'll find my voice here and you people will make me millions. Let's make it happen people.
With love,