
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

She Awakes & Give Thanks!

Well I am so sorry folks that it's been so long. I think about blogging daily, but as go most things in my life; actually doing the task takes more follow through than I'm willing to put forth in a single day.  I'm not sure what that is but I think Ali Brosh does an amazing job explaining the type of depression that dictates around 60% of my life check it out here. The other 40% of my life is split between snacks and productivity.
My Life as a Troll- As I said, sometimes life just gets the better of me.
So that being said-- I'm back and I promise to keep you up to date on my wonderful world more frequently. Two things worth mentioning today-  
New Job & Thanksgiving

Friday is officially my last day as the planner for the Rocky Mountain Cigar Festival and I couldn't be more excited! Don't get me wrong; I love the people I work with, I love the job but it was just time for change. For health reasons both physical and spiritual, I knew it was time to find something new. Well, I haven't  exactly found a new position yet but I'll be temping at CU in International Admissions for 4-6 months or till my dream job comes through :)  Lucky for them I'm fluent in Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Zulu-- this should get interesting.

And now the most important subject...TURKEY DAY!! oh how i love thee! So this Thanksgiving, Andy and I are super excited because the In-Laws are coming! This is both a highly exciting event as it will be their first time down to see us and I just love them and a highly stressful time leading up to it because if I thought Andy was crazy anal about cleaning before I was only seeing the surface of what he could be. Our cleaning prep started last week as Andy had a friend coming into town and he informed me that this would be a great time to get a "pre-clean" cleaning of the house in before his parents showed up. Little did I know he was serious. After a few little bickering's about what actually needed to be done we ended up with him vacuuming and myself mopping, he actually was beaming as he watched me with the mop and said "honey, wow your really putting some muscle behind that," oh Andy.  Anyways, I decide the easy way around this whole situation is to "woman" up and make a cleaning list of things that MUST be double scrubbed before the family gets here (note to audience: Andy and I's house is almost always picked up and clean these are above and beyond measures) On said list is: outside landscaping, fridge and freezer cleanouts, coat closet cleaning and mopping, baseboards windows and blinds (that's a gimmy) and so forth. I fully plan on taking Tuesday off though and by taking Tuesday off I mean not being in the house so that Andy can fully prepare for their arrival and I won't grubby anything up:) Can't wait to see you Sue and Bill!!

Well hopefully I'll add some pictures soon- Andy and I have been very busy with friends and trips and jobs and so on! But for now I'll leave you with this quote- since I haven't been writing I've been reading lots of blogs - so many good things out there :)

"Giving thanks is only this: making the canyon of pain into a megaphone to proclaim the ultimate goodness of God. But this is not easy: That which I refuse to thank Christ for, I refuse to believe Christ can redeem." - Thank you Ann Voskamp and your truly touching blog. Click Here for more of her Thanksgiving advice
Another thing to Thank God for: Take me back to Manhattan Beach please!

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