
Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Mayday!

 I took the weekend off just so everyone would be pandering a little more. Did it work? Probably not but I'm back and ready to talk - I mean blog.
Life in the hospital is typically pretty dull and diluted over the weekends- you get weekend doctors, weekend cafeteria, even weekend cleaning crew, and let me just say all of them fail compared to their weekday companions. Andy stayed Friday night and ALL DAY/NIGHT Saturday. He was going to leave and then visitors showed up so he got distracted and ended up spending the day with me. It's nice to have down time with him and just get to relax and watch movies in a small twin bed being interrupted every 20 or so minutes with new nurse requests..i.e. "Oh hi guys I see your watching a movie, I was just wondering if you could stand on this scale real quick. Oh, this is a good part of the movie- oh what did you eat today? uh huh and have you pooped? Oh Great! Are you coughing? What color is it? and what's the consistency? etc etc" All logical nurse questions but make for really impractical movie watching. In any case the movies we rented were absolutely horrible and by Sunday morning I told Andy he needed to go home so he could at least be productive. I hear he got the cars cleaned! Whoop!
Sunday afternoon my mom showed up with the boys... aka the yorkies!
My mom used the sketch app on her iPhone to really capture the essence of these beasts. From Left to right Frank, Augie & Bentley aka Benny boy
I played with them outside downstairs but Bentley managed to getaway and took off inside the hospital. I, in sheer panic, raced after him tripped on the welcome mat and went full face down onto the floor. One of my more embarrassing moments. The people in wheelchairs gasped, the security guard went for his stick,and I jumped up as quickly as I went down to prove that I was just fine and that my fall wasn't as big as it looked. But I share with you now my war wound....
That was my face when I fell.... also I skinned my knees. Yes, I'm 12.

A little boy grabbed Bently right inside the door and no harm came to the pup in this process. The rest of the afternoon was spent with visitors (love me some hospital visitors!-thanks terry, keith & ginger!)  and licking my war wound in bed.Ok, actually I downloaded a Suduko app and was up till 3 am trying to unlock "expert". Lame, I know.

So, that brings us to today -MONDAY! oh what a great day! :) Well, it was somewhat productive at least. I've been applying to  jobs all across the board and have been praying that God will just gift me something that I totally don't deserve that has all the material "yes's" I want (health insurance, pay, hours) & satisfy the soul inside of me. I want to use  my tools or sharpen my tools to make a difference! Oh, the prayers I say. Anyways if YOU wanted to start praying for it too that would be thanks~! :) I also did some actual work today and then started the process of filing insurance claims and switching to Andy's insurance. YIKES, YUCK, BLEH. But again, super blessed to even have all this stuff so I'm sure we will get through it just fine!

Alright so one last thing, my beautiful pumpkin is living proof that the hospital is no place to stay healthy....I noticed this spot from my bedside... BLACK MOLD!!! SICK. So I said goodbye and tossed it down the nuclear waste tube. :/ I guess I'll get another pumpkin when I get home.....
What's in your pumpkin?

Till next time... toodles!


  1. All I thought of while reading this was.... "I'm just sitting here waiting for my friends..." AND When you tried to push me in the pool, slipped, and cracked your head on the cement before hitting the water, popping up quickly and saying you were fine!! HAHAHA always protecting that reputation of yours ;) You are soooo great! haha I sure love your entries and it was nice to have a little break bc it made it all "new" again!! ;) Lovies.
